Kingdom of Ravenna, a peaceful and beautiful kingdom thriving in a magical land, with harmony and freedom as its principles they became one of the gloriest kingdoms to ever be. Not only that, because of its harmony, the kingdom was bestowed a gift from Mother Nature in the form of a magical golden flower. As gratitude, from then on the kingdom decided to use the flower's magic as its utmost absolute sense of power as well as the key to decide whom is worth the royal title.Each year, a ceremony was held to grant the kingdom a new royal to help rule its land, although not every ceremony results in a new royalty member, the kingdom still view the act as a blessing. Therefore, after the ceremony was held, a celebratory festival would take place in the kingdom.During the festival, Ravenna and its people would be overridden by joy, they'd open their gates for those willing to visit, all over the kingdom there'd be music and lights, creating a magical and fun atmosphere for both old and first timers.

⋇⊰ Celebratory Festival ⊱⋇

This year, Kingdom of Ravenna received great news, the magical flower yet again has picked, not one but TWO new candidates to be crowned as royalty. Because of this, a coronation ceremony is scheduled to be held at the end of the celebratory festival.The coronation would take place in The Kingdom's Cathedral on the evening of September 2nd, with Ravenna Kingdom's very own crown prince, Leona Kingscholar as the one to conduct the coronation.As per tradition, after the coronation ceremony, those currently residing in the kingdom's territory are invited to join in an everlasting act of gratitude in which Ravenna and its people would float an abundant amount of lanterns that will illuminate the sky in a magnificent orange tint.To enjoy the bewitching sight, the seas would be a strategic place to be, whether that be from a rowboat or a sailboat.

⋇⊰ Guest Invitation ⊱⋇

For those who came from afar, it is advised to arrange an appointment with hostelry of your preferences or contact any acquaintances of yours to get their approval to temporarily reside in their homes.

⋇⊰ Rules and Notes ⊱⋇

  • Event ini memiliki rating SU, dimohon untuk meminimalisir plot dan pembicaraan di atas rating.

  • Dilarang untuk melakukan tindak bunuh diri.

  • Bila mampu, pendaftar dimohon untuk mengikuti agenda yang telah disediakan.

  • Selama event berlangsung, kemungkinan akan digunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk beberapa istilah / plot.

  • Dilarang membawa unsur SARA dalam bentuk apapun.

  • Bebas membuat relasi selama tidak memaksa dan mendapat persetujuan kedua pihak.

  • Ajakan relasi / plot dapat ditolak apabila dirasa terlalu memberatkan.

  • Dilarang melakukan godmodding terhadap karakter lain tanpa persetujuan.

⋇⊰ Coronation Oaths ⊱⋇

The King and Queene shall say, I solemnly Promise soe to doe. Arch Bishop or Bishop, Will You to Your power cause Law and Justice in Mercy to be Executed in all Your Judgements.

Sirs, I here present unto you [name], your undoubted King/Queen. Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service, are you willing to do the same?